Meditation Coaching
Meditation. Everyone is talking about it, there are so many methods and practices, but which one to choose? What’s the difference between mindfulness and zen and breathing exercises for calming the mind? How can I establish a practice, how can I maintain it? What if I have some difficulty?
These are some of the most common questions I get asked about meditation. Yes, it’s one of the most important gifts you can give yourself, a practice and eventually a way of being that enriches everything in your life.
The main benefit of meditation is to get to know your mind. To learn to step away from your thinking, to become an observer, and to recognize your throught patterns and mood patterns. Creating a distance and not identifying with your thinking brings incredible relief. You train yourself to be still and really take in reality, disengaging from the habitual way of interpreting reality.
Basically, we all see the world through tinted glasses. They are colored by our personal experiences, our character, our social and familial dictations and whatever other influences we have been under in our lives. There’s potentially nothing wrong with seeing the world through tinted glasses… except that you are limiting your potential and your experiences. And, often, something is wrong, we blindly maintain habits from our younger years that do not necessarily suit us today. Learning to meditate is one way to recognize the tint — and eventually remove the glasses! Then colors are clearer, more stark and all is more alive.
In these coaching sessions, we will look at what are the practical availabilities and obstacles for your practice. We we will create a tailored practice to suit your life and your level of experience. We will also keep in touch to help you establish and maintain a meditation practice.
So why meditate?
To train yourself, body and mind, to be STILL.
Why be still?
So you can LISTEN.
Rumi says, “What you seek is seeking you”. This is not some magical, spiritual mumbo-jumbo… it’s actually life.
All of life’s answers and inspirations are out there. But you can’t hear them if you’re unable to be still.
Truth, inspiration, clear sight is like a low hum… always present, always going… but the noise in your mind and in your environment drowns it out. In that hum are all the answers and prospects you seek!
Your own truth and the clear view of life is right there. We waste so much precious time avoiding/escaping … we analyze, fuss, make drama, all noise, noise, noise… when whatever you’re really looking for is in that ever-full silence. Every moment. It’s always there…
Sitting still, what you need will come to you. Not as a weird law of attraction or some other out-of-world experience, but because you will actually see that it’s there anyway. It’s always there! You just need to train yourself to quiet the noise and really listen… My teacher put it so beautifully: It’s like a rare, exotic bird, that knows everything and you’re trying to capture it… the more you flail around, the more it will fly away… if you sit still, it will visit you with more ease a few times… the more and more you establish the stillness, it will finally have a sturdy place on which to land and perch. That bird is YOU. It’s your attention, it’s your truth… sit still and just allow… allow for the trees to shuffle and the breath to move, and the answer to whatever you’re ‘figuring out’ will be in the song of distant birds.